For technical support or product information contact: Watt Solutions®
- phone: (602) 373-9663
- e-mail: [email protected] (no .com)
- e-mail: [email protected]
Contact Watt Solutions® if you want…
- a QUOTE quickly
- direct contact and dialogue with an engineer until your equipment is commissioned
- to free yourself up to do your job and let us handle the thermal engineering
- expertise in heaters, sensors, controllers & insulation
- to retrofit obsolete heaters, sensors and controllers
- to extend the life of your thermal components

Watt Solutions® is your expert thermal & vacuum solutions provider and your authorized thermal distributor & representative in the Southwest.
We are the resource that can be drawn on for your thermal system!
We Accept: Visa, Master Card, American Express

Fire and electrical shock may result if products are
used improperly or installed and used by non-qualified personnel.